I think i might have hit 2.5 hook

About 8 months of yoyo. I cant do a 2.0 but for some reason I can do 2.5. Not whining, but just, …


That’s a big milestone congrats. The title is a bit confusing though. Are you not sure if you hit it?

Idk, it happened really quick. I was at recess when the bell ran off right when I got it

Well done mate, now work to make it happen all the time.

If I can I leave you some tips, I do it without problems:

  • Put the hand that catch the hook lower than the other one (for 2.5 the right hand just a bit lower than the left)

  • Follow the speed of your string, when you throw the string follow it with your eyes do not let everything just happen randomly, follow the movement and whip quite strongly.

  • Once done the first loop I sort of give again power to my rotation adding spin with my wrists to catch the 2.5 hook, is like 2 movement one spin the string around the finger and the second spin in the air give power to lock the hook.

-I keep my fingers slighlty pointing forward and also not perfectly parallel to the ground but with the point of the finger a bit up to the sky

  • While doing the rotation keep your hands quite close, it give more string to the hook and enanche the chances to hook it

Good luck bro!


Holy cow I wish I had been throwing since grade school. Never stop man that’s awesome. Also awesome they let you throw at recess. Stay rad.

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I want to make a vid with d’angelo. Bros 1.5 years and he hit a 3.5

After looking back at it tho, I don’t think I hit it though. It might have been a 1.5 instead. I did get a reveres behind the back brent stole yesterday

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I’d like to mirror the comment made by @Threadkeeper A common thread among many older ones here is starting to throw at a young age and life happens so they give it up and come back many, many years later. Some 20 or more. You are at the starting young stage. Stick with it, don’t stop. Even if you cut back your time because, life does happen, don’t give it up. It’s astounding to me to see how insane many young throwers are these days. Keep it up and you’ll be a monster one day. :grin::+1:

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Im thirteen tho

That’s what I mean. As you get older, don’t stop playing like many of us did. Stick with it.

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