I sanded down my Selene using hands alone

So I was dealing with some pointy picks and took off quite a chunk of ano off my Selene. So I thought the heck why not and I sanded the whole think down with nothing except sandpaper and my hands since I don’t even have a drill.

BIG mistake. Took me 2 days of free time and my thumb hurts like crazy :rofl: . Well, it was fun while it lasted.

At least I’m satisfied enough with the results, Not mirror like but I’d say good enough for only using my hands. :rofl:

(And I gotta say, metal polish paste is probably the worst smelling thing I’ve ever come across


Yeah power tools are hugely recommended for this kind of repetitive buffing / light sanding work.

I started doing the “rub tough denim around the response area if it is eating strings” thing and after like 5 minutes of that… I was like… I’m out … and grabbed a dremel instead. I am a very very lazy man!

Everyone should have a dremel. Such a versatile tool and the clones are pretty cheap.



I did only the rims at first to hide the ano break.(That was pretty easy).
There’s also a scuff in the catch zone so I thought why not so I also did the catch zone. (That was easy enough).
The next day I looked at the yoyo and said let’s finish it off shall we? So I did the cup.(And that was a nightmare :joy:)


cheap Dremel clone

aka bremel

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