I painted my clear Freehand One tonight

I decided I wanted to paint one of my clear Freehand One. I found @dylan_kowalski video on YouTube and got some ideas.

Like Dylan, I had some bright colors of nail polish left over from another hobbies project.

I first had to break down the FH1 and remove the caps.

Once apart and on the bench I grabbed a fine brush and one of the colors, after trying some fine line I switch to another color. I found that the nail polish did like light coats and had to go over it twice which made the lines fat.

After think about other ways to apply the polish, I came up with using a cordless drill. I took one half and put in the bare axle, I then put the axle in the drill with the cup facing up. I grabbed a tooth pick and dipped it in the nail polish bottle so it came out with a lot of polish on it, held it over the cup and while it was spinning at full speed I let the paint drip in. I switched the axle to the other half and repeated the process.

The caps were another issue, how was I going to spin those. Well I took a new one inch diameter felt pad with the shaft from a dremal, placed it in the drill and used double stick tape to attach the cap to it. I then used the tooth pick method again.

Remember to wear and old shirt incase it splatters.

While it didn’t come out quite like I imagined, I still think it came out alright. I’m going to order another one and try it again.


Looks really cool.


Yes, really sick, love the colors

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Thanks, the more I look at it I really like it. Going to put a string on it and see what it looks like spinning.



Inspired by @Hojo-YoYo and @dylan_kowalski, I decided to buy a clear Freehand One to paint. I used the bike pump method to pop off the caps and then hand-painted with Vallejo Game Color acrylics.

This was a really fun project for an afternoon, I had a general idea of what I wanted to do but didn’t plan too much and just went for it.

When spinning the color reminds me of sea glass, and the tentacles give me octopus/kraken vibes, so I’ve been calling this one the Glass Kraken :metal:

Here’s a gutshot


Makes me want to paint my Clear FH1! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

…If my sisters didn’t strip it. :saluting_face: :rofl:


dude after my earlier post, i feel the need to buy a clear one :rofl:


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next step : light mods :bulb: