I obtained my number one, the holiest of holys, finally. Post a pic if you have too

I’ve wanted it ever since it first dropped and I saw it on the yoyonation forums.

I’ve done about 30 trades in the last 5 months that finally lead to this finally (got to try some amazing yoyos in the process.)

A million thank you’s to everyone I traded with that lead to this happening.

And a thank you to @the_general for imagining it and making it a reality.

The original General yo 5 star, mint (for now), mission accomplished.


Congrats dude! The 5 Star is probably my all time favorite as well. I love the Hatrick as well, and almost as much; I love ‘undersized’ yoyos, and the Hatrick is a huge runner up, but the diameter is slightly smaller than the 5 Star, and the 5 Star is just the perfect small size.

Here is a pic of my favorite 5 Star (older pic):


That colorway you have is the prettiest of the newer runs in my opinion. Agreed in the Hatrick. Same dude sent a Hatrick as well, it plays just as nice as I remember and grinds forever.