I know something you don't know :)

I thought that just meant you can’t use photos already put up but never mind than. Later.

Keep it spinning™

Tyler Severance

Augie Fash


David Ung

John Chow

Ben McPhee

Grant Johnson

John Ando

Yuuki Spencer

Any of those?

None of the ones crossed aren’t on YYE. :frowning:

who said it had to be someone who is on the YYE forum?

The ones I crossed out have already been done by Yin.

that is a very good point. I think you guys are missing the easiest ways to get more clues :slight_smile:

I’m waiting.


I look creepy :confused:


I think it’s gonna be one of those pros that don’t get interviewed much. Sebastian, maybe?

I hope it’s Jensen ???

We got two X’s! The dog, and Logan! 8)

Cheater lol…

Come on one more. and i’ll give you a good clue.



Does that count?


I am scared of you… You look evil.

But thats 3.

If the above doesn’t count, this should.


My “X it up” equivalent.

Keep it spinning™

Come on Yin. That is 4 or 5 right there. :stuck_out_tongue:

First clue: He is sponsored by one of the four bigs companies: YYJ, Yomega, Duncan, or Yoyofactory

Second Clue: He is not new.


That rules out Zach.

Could it be:

Eric Koloski?
Jon Gates?
John Narum?
John Ando?