I just rescued this rabbit from stray cats!

How is this still not moved?

So many free postsā€¦

Well, at least I got my free post before the move. :smiley:


I have rabbits. I eat them.

Im not posting this to get free posts because I donā€™t post to get free posts.

The mods can delete your posts and youā€™ll be back where you started. Get these sandbaggers mods!!!

Arenā€™t all posts free?

Now hereā€™s something to ponder upon.

I wish posts were always free then we wouldnā€™t have to worry about overseas shipping costs.

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ponderponder ponderponderponder

kinda late, but yeahā€¦I agree with this

I try not to interfere with wildlife, be it large and ferocious or small and cute. Itā€™s wild for a reason, and not tame. Itā€™s completely natural for a cat to attack a rabbit, therefore, let it be.

Says the guy with a cat in his avatarā€¦ Biased opinions donā€™t count. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I saw two cats fighting in the streets (Which I do often) I wouldnā€™t interfere.

Really? I rarely even see A catā€¦

I always see black cats in my neighborhood :stuck_out_tongue: