I have a question to ask you.

Actually it’s 33. :wink:

Better delete system 32.

Because the cake is a lie…

Yo dawg, I heard you asked why so I answered your why with my why and with other people’s why so why not why everything?

Because its meant to happen…

Sorry mommy,

I didn’t do it. He did. Points at brother

Because you know what is even better than 24? 25…!

Well to know why you first need to know how. And to find this you need to take the square root of when and multiply this by who and where. Add what and then divide by 0. This will make the universe explode but it will implode on itself at the same time. Not only making you your own grandfather but magically making every book you’ve ever read reality. This will show you and tell you why I a way that you never thought possible.

Because Pee Wee Herman was told that his lost bicycle was at the Alamo.


because hes the king of string thats why? ;D ;D ;D ;D

The winner is… M.Dev1! I thought his answer was funny and unique! You win the thread!

Second place was MiamiBuddha, coming in at the more philosophical side of things.


because if it were a why not there wouldnt be a thread worthy of answers or thought!

why because you asked and im sure you didnt know what you were asking for before you got all the great reactions and interactions!

so why… just because we can and we will! :slight_smile: (: