I have a dream that I would love to see become a reality.
I have a dream that one day, the different skill toys / flow art communities would all come together as one, and have a large community gathering, where all could show their craft, and others could be exposed to the vast array of all manipulation objects of the world. In the past, there was always lots of “our craft is the best” image and mindset that many yoyoers have had (and sadly, many still do), but frankly, the way I see it, there is no “best” skill/flow thing just as much as their isn’t a “best” yoyo.
I see all of these arts as an equal, and each to be respected and appreciated for what it is.
In the recent months, there has been a huge boom with the Kendama scene, and the yoyo crossover has been tremendous. This to me, was a huge step in the right direction, as finally, people in the yoyo world were learning to accept a different art into their lives, and learning to have appreciation for the other.
Speaking with fellow multi-enthusiast such as Everett Caday, Leum Kerzic and Jamie Kennedy,
I have found that I am not alone in wanting to see a massive collaboration of all the skill toy flow art realms together as one. And I think that it is very possible for this to be done. It would take a huge coordination effort as well as many involved in many different scenes, but I think its something that can be done.
I think that for all the different arts to be exposed to one another, it would create a sense of family and togetherness that we know very well in our own communities, and to expand our communities would be something very amazing to see.
While the different worlds may have different views and mindsets, I think that seeing and learning the different views could be good for all as it would perhaps open the minds of each to try new things, and see things in a different way.
Yoyoers taking inspiration from Poi spinners, Diabolo players taking inspiration from Yoyoers, Kendama players taking inspiration from jugglers,
Stringers taking inspiration from footbaggers, Astrojaxers taking inspiration from spin top players, Staff manipulators taking inspiration from freehanders? hoopers taking inspiration from Glovers? Who knows, there are literally endless possibilities.
I imagine a day, when all players and manipulators come together, one location, and rather than only mingle among their own little “cliques”, they mingle about and learn new things from all. Just imagine how awesome that would be to see.
I feel that we are on the verge of a breakthrough, where we can kill this “elitist” mindset that some communities have, and instead all be as one despite the differences in the individual approaches and mindsets.
I know some out there will groan at this idea and pray for something like this not to happen, but oh well, such is the closed-minded individual.
I’m not sure how this could be done, I don’t know when, but I think that with some good people behind it with connections, we could see something like this hopefully very soon.
Its a dream that I greatly hope could become a reality.