I feel like I’m the worst player in the community

Instead of thinking “I’m bad at yoyo”, maybe try thinking “I’m not good at yoyo…yet!”


Its not"I can’t do that."
“I haven’t figured it out yet”

My teammate told me this many many years ago. Almost 20 years.


I know I already replied. Sometimes I feel like a yoyo poser. Like I know way more than the average person but way less than anyone else who throws. Like I have more yoyo technical knowledge than actual skill and can talk more yoyo than actually yoyo. Like a person who has a band t-shirt, knows the band member names and can list every one of their album titles but has only actually heard two or three of the band’s songs. Like a tiny dog running with a pack of big dogs.


Not to keep beating the dead horse here but I think if it makes you happy without bringing anyone else down — or even better, you’re building people up (as in the case of your neighbor) — then Bob’s your uncle, @ChrisFrancz


Yeah, I guess I went too far. It’s just how I feel a lot but then an hour after I made that post tonight I was throwing and was like “Sonuvagun! I never did THAT much stuff off of ONE throw before!” and I was pretty darned happy! I think sometimes it’s okay to have a low opinion of our skill because, at least in my case tonight, I realized I was not pushing myself hard enough and when I pushed myself I realized I was capable of way more than I thought I was. I’d rather learn from a person who thinks they are the worst than a person who thinks they are the best. I’m getting dizzy trying to remember my reason for replying. I needed that reality check!


Funny enough this thought plus my computer nerdiness is exactly what inspired my username on a TheYo/YYN before I started going by my name: 1337noob / “leet noob” (meaning of 1337/leet for the uninitiated). :smile: I still like the name and use it for other things where I think it’s relevant like my smash bros tag when I played at tournaments or online lol.


I always feel like that too, when I feel that way I just go watch an episode of Casual Throw to feel better about myself. Zing! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::yo-yo:

J/K couldn’t help it


Has it never occurred to you that there’s a reason some of us don’t post videos?
Ummm, it’s not because we don’t want to show you up.


My videos are a good way to get pumped, that’s 100% on the spot with sereval mistakes. Expect when I accomplished the week a trick challenge, so I record 90 shots to use the less terrible one. I’d only made IG account for yoyo purposes, so I can get the pros oppinion, so that’s okay for me.

Well, I also like cards, cardistry and closeup magic, maybe I will use that account as well… Still dont know, recording close up magic needs more infrastructure that I now have…


Work on new moves you are nearly certain you can master, don’t go over your head for a while, and there are plenty of ways to combine simpler moves in interesting ways. Complicated is not always better, it’s sometimes just more complicated, If a whole trick is too hard, take away one or two moves, use those.

The best classic tricks teach an element which will be useful in your own discoveries.


Just as an update: I’m not beating myself up. I’m motivated not defeated


That’s not a bad way to remind yourself that you’re not so bad at yoyoing after all!


my wife says i’m
good. and when she sees
me, she always says i’m getting better. that is cool enough for me.

and, since i am yoyoing for me - not anyone else - it doesn’t really matter. that’s just gravy


Just “get out of my lawn”
Love that.




Wife = gatekeepers of reality


I smile when I yoyo in private, others smile when I yoyo in public. That’s all I need. In fact all I really need is to smile when I yo in private, the other is a bonus, a nice bonus.


Ditto. Sometimes I just like trying to improve the basics. I’m terrible and watching a video and learning it right away. I learn in steps and sometimes it can take weeks to get through one step. Then it hit me…I’m the only one judging me…just have fun and then things will flow at some point. I love the “ah ha” moments, such a high finally hitting a trick or element.


The “ah-ha!” moments make it worth it! Me too. Weeks, months, close to a year for a whole trick after picking up one element of the trick. Individual elements of a trick are like mile markers on the highway during a long road trip.


congratulations , you are