Learn Some Tips Video contest challenge:
due date: December 25th
video time: 2:30 or less (try to stay around 2, 30 seconds in either direction is understandable)
style: 1a, 4a, and or 5a
Songs: any song unless it has vulgar imagery. if it has swears, then write Language check on your video when submitted. I do not want a song that has to do with drugs or that one certain type of love song.
Please wear a dark shirt with little symbols and words on it so the string will appear brighter. Please be well lit, yet not too bright, and no changing effects (like Djjjyo’s infamous color changes, but things like black and white, or something like in Spyyguy). Anyone who fails to complete any of these criteria (the shirt one is lightly graded), will be disqualified.
if you want to compete, PM me (tell me that you want to compete, and hopefully there wont be too many people). when you are done with your video, PM me a link and I will approve or disapprove your video. If disapproved, you still can edit the video to meat standards.
The due date is not set in stone, and if you need more time, odds are that i will too. and i whole heartedly recomend that you do this in more than 1 day and then call it done. film for a day, edit for one, come back in a week and see what is bad, what mistakes are in there, and refilm/reedit.
the objective of the contest is to beat yourself more than anyone else. well, it is to beat everyone. but use the advice/ standards to make a video that is watchable and enjoyable. with all of these standards, it really ends up with scenery and tricks. Enjoy.