I can do that

that video makes me want to die inside. Reading all the yuggles comments. They are all so generic. Making fun of him for having a hobby, saying that he’s never going to get a girlfriend, how pointless a talent it is. It honestly makes me sick reading the comments section.

Me too. Also the "That is cool but there is no proof that the yoyo is even spinning :-"

The same goes for pretty much any YouTube video that gets decent exposure, regardless of what the video is about. For some reason, YouTube videos attract the lowest of the scum of the earth. Any time I look at a comments, I have to remind myself we’re not living in the world of the movie “Idiocracy”. I swear that YouTube comment sections will be cited as the leading cause of cancer in the near future.

Am I the only one who finds joy in reading hateful youtube comments on yoyo videos? Makes me laugh every time since you know that type of person wouldn’t be able to say that comment to your face.


Anybody who says there is no proof of the yo-yo spinning clearly has no understanding of gyroscopic force.

The first rule of Internet Club is “never read the comments.”

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