hubstack windup??

so at the end of the video for the 888x i noticed it looks like he spins the hub, then the rim. and if im seeing it correctly it made the string wind up! can anyone confirm thats what i saw? or better explain it?

thanks =]

It is actually a bind he just holds one hubstack, Then spins the yoyo really hard with his other hand, and then puts the string around the front and pulls up making a bind motion while continuing holding the stck until it binds up. Actually quite simple.

if anyone can find a video of just that being explained id love you forever hahaha

There are lots of ways to do a wind up while holding the hubstacks.

Just experiment, and find a way to do what you want, from the mount you like, after a trick it fits with.  Frankly, exploring was more fun for me than getting the “right trick”.


Hilarious video, haha

cool hubstack tricks

my friend can also do this too with his G5(I can sort of do it too but not very clean). The way I notice how it you do this is when you’re holding the hubstacks, there will be some slack in the string so it will catch on to the yoyo, therefore winding it up. It’s actually quite simple. :wink:

yah i have it all figured out now, thanks everyone lol