How yoyoing saved my life- (This is long but a true story)

It’s beyond what you consider clinical depression haha, but yes you are correct, there are other ways to treat it other than medication, but the being the level that I have it, i require medication to survive every day, but less and less is required on my journey to control my own mind ;D

Yoyoing never saved me but it changed me alot. Before I was throwing yoyos,
I could barely survive when being up on the stage. Having stage fright was a no go for me
considering I am part of the student representatives. Once, I was so frightened that I just
went up on the stage heads down and everything and just delivered my speech in 2 minute. After
I started yoyoing, my friends forced me for a show during a farewell party to our teachers, it was suicide mission at first. Then I started practicing on stage when I realise my legs were not shaking like hell when im yoyoing. I gathered all my confidence and when the mc called my name, “Give an applause to maddie for a special show” I strided onto the stage and gave a flawless 3 minute 1a and 2a show. After that, i will always have the confidence to be on the stage bringing along my campfire in my pocket constantly.

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bump ( still think people should read this just to see how yoyoing is a magnificent thing)

The thing is; Yoyoing is a great thing, but you sir, are an even greater one.

yoyoing is the reason I am still here my friend^^^ ;D

Same thing here. Yoyoing is the one thing I had to turn to, and I dont know where id be without it. I know one thing for sure, wherever it would be it would be it would be far worse than where I currently am.