How to get great spin times on horizontal?

How do you get the yoyo to spin so long?!

Throw hard, go fast and clean. That’s all I can think. This is really the only style where the yoyo helps significantly.

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You can’t let your string rub the side of the yo-yo. You can also try getting a yo-yo that has more of an H shape like the Shutter.

Really, it’s the same way you get great spin times on vertical tricks: Keep everything in line, and practice, practice, practice. And yes, using yoyos with low walls helps a bunch.

The more you practice, the better you’ll get. There’s no real special trick to get you better. One day you’ll be struggling to string together just two horizontal elements, and a few months from then you’ll be wondering what elements you want to pack into 20 second horizontal combo.

So yeah. Practice, practice, practice.

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Keep it moving. The momentum will help it spin.