How To Be A Yoyo Noob!!

made by England1414, Mosquito314, and ThrowYo224… comment all you like


LOLOL. I loved it!

“Did your 888 lose spin time?”

“Yeah, I need a KonKave.”


By doing the Matrix like that, it looks like you’re Down Syndrome. Is that what you’re trying to imply about noobs? :smiley:

:o I laughed SO hard when it hit the door. I knew it was gonna happen…

this made me smirk… :slight_smile:


The Best Yo-yo Video EVAH!!!

most of it was a little bit weird. But that two person matrix was cool. Also, this video does show noobs overreacting to a ding, so it makes sense.

All the jokes are there to make it funny. But you guys acted like you had issues or something. But yeah, I liked the matrix.

You guys need to work on making your binds look stupider, they look experianced in the vid lol.
“Wipe it in the bearing seat. Yup.”
“One more time. One more time. One more time. It caught on my thumb!”
“It has good sleep and it spins for long time”

“Did your 888 lose spin time?” “Ya, I better buy a KonKave.” HAHAHAHAHA!

“My new beefcake mod.” 27 Rolls later and still doesn’t bind HAHAHAHAHAGAGAGA!!

Honestly, it wasn’t that funny, it was more a compilation of annoying crap that people say. If that is your definition of noob then sure. Personally though, rather than alienate and disrespect “noobs” shouldn’t we be doing the opposite? I mean I totally get that some kids thought this video was funny, that was it’s intended purpose, but out of principal this thing is fail. So what, does it get tiring answering the same questions over and over? Maybe but think back to when you didn’t know anything about anything, did you sound stupid? Of course you didn’t, you are too epic for that, that is why you made this video, I get it now, your arrogant :smiley:

Lets remember that in most circles “noob” is a derogatory term.


ya, it was funny, but some people do that, like new yoyoers… but still, nobody cries from a ding… i like this video

Chill bro. It is like really young kids when they are like “I like purple” and you are like “I like green” and they are like “No, I like purple” and you are like “Yeah, but–” “I LIKE PURPLE begins to cry
When you are new to something, of course you look/sound silly. It is meant for you to look back and say “I remember when I was that bad” :stuck_out_tongue:

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It wasn’t funny… :-\ I guess Teenage kids pretending to have a speech impairment trying to make fun of less skilled players doesn’t strike me as hilarious, or funny, or amusing, or a quaility use of time watching. Sorry.

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I’m just going to wait here at my computer and wait for an actual “noob” to say this is offensive. Then i’ll agree with you statemant. I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while, and i think this is probably the simplest to settle it.