How many Whip Catches can you do in a row?

I did 7 on my BigYo!

How many can you do in a row?

And I did about 4 Multiple Whip Catches in a row too. ;D

i can do 2 on my kickside

I did 6 on my Legacy. ;D

14 jade whips, if that counts.

Nope, offstring whip catches only. But I only did about 5 Jade whips in a row.

I did… 4 on my FAST offstring.

I did OVER 9000!!! Haha sorry, just had to.

I’ve gotten 5 or 6 before.

LOL very nice

Ive done 4 :smiley: im still new…

I’ve done 17 once. Afer that. I tried the 18th, my brother distracted me, the door was open, I missed, and the yoyo rolled down the stairs, into a bush and I couldn’t find it. And my Offstring journey ended…

Oh dang that sucks man. Same thing happened to me. Except that I found it and it was on my backyard. LOL!

19!!! lot of practice!!! ;D

i’m not good atit, beforei did too in a row with my only yoyo, i don’t have a yoyo durable enough forfalls.

8 with my hayabusa sl

I’ve done about 40 or so. Don’t remember the yo but it was metal.

one…if I’m lucky

Dude… Are you like, God of Offstring?

whip catches: 1

or do you mean just a regular offstring mount?

And one thing why it’s really impossible is because no yoyo can’t spin that long and he’ probably dead now because of extreme fatigue.

Just practice guys!

I just did 10 on my Aquarius.

keep spinning


yes!!! i’ve reached 35 whip catches. If you want to kmow how many crazy reverse leg orbits I can do I can do bout 40 of em!!! :slight_smile: