How long did it take you to become good at yoyoing?

totally beat me to it dude.

well what i a mean good, I mean pulling off combos easily and smoothly. Like how we see videos of the pros do it.

Two months ago before I discovered pro yo-yoing on youtube I thought I was good. I was the best yo-yoer I knew. I could get a longer sleeper and go around the world more times on one throw than anyone else. So, I was good.

Then I saw the pros in action. Suddenly I wasnā€™t so good any more. I was intrigued though.

So I bought a better yo-yo just hoping that some day Iā€™d be good enough to do an atomic bomb. I figured if I could do that, Iā€™d be good enough. The stuff the pros do, well thatā€™s just insane. I was just looking for an atomic bomb and my yo-yoing life would be complete.

Iā€™ve now set of enough nuclear bombs for a five hundred year nuclear winter. And I can now pull off stuff I never dreamed Iā€™d be able to do.

So compared to the person for whom the yo-yo goes down, comes up, goes down, almost comes up, goes down, stays down; Iā€™m pretty good.

Compared to serious yo-yoers, Iā€™m just a beginner.

But most importantly, compared to the expectations and goals I had set for myself - Iā€™ve exceeded them and continue to surprise myself with each new trick I learn.

Itā€™s all relative I suppose.

it took me about 5 months to learn all the things to master tricks and i only have two yoyos a dm and a legacy but that is an example of you dont need a lot of yoyos to start yoyoing but i do not leave my house without my yoyo

i started getting really good in Febuary so about 3 months

Good has many meanings. TO people today, good means you can walk the dog and around the world.

To us, good means we can do Inter-Master Tricks.

I honestly have to say, I suck compared to a lot of people here, but I am good to the world of non-yoers. I could use a lot of improvement

There is no guideline as to being good yoyoing, this is established by you and only you.

I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever be good at yoyoing the way I want to be. Iā€™m awfully busy, and the tricks donā€™t come easy to me. If I felt I had to be good within a certain amount of time, I think I would have to give it up; it wouldnā€™t be fun for me any more. So I try not to worry about it.

If you worry about how good you are and you arenā€™t just having fun, it starts to turn into almost a chore, which nobody likes to do. Just keep practicing and wait until you get another trick or start to get a trick consistently and smoothly. Then you get that feeling that youā€™ve just done something not many people have and it makes you feel sooo good. To me, that is the best part of yoyoing.

exactly 7 months 2 days and 58 minutes.

but in all seriousness, i dont really consider myself good, i think im decent but i have a long way to go until i get as good as a lot of the pros out there.

I think This thread should be ā€œhow long did it take you to finish master tricksā€.

Agreed, Or ā€œWhat do you consider ā€œGoodā€ yo-yoing and when?ā€

i have been throwing for about a month and i can do all advanced tricks on this site i just practice 2 tricks per day or per two days depending on difficulty so jst practice

Been playing 6 years and I am still trying to get good. Right now Iā€™m ALRIGHT.

I have always been goodā€¦

I still havenā€™t learned a couple master tricks. I never wanted too. I never will.

About 4 months.

good - satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree

I think Iā€™m satisfactory. Itā€™s more based on a personal satisfaction if anything, unless you want to go judging people that is.

I havenā€™t learned most tricks in Advanced Part 2 and up, but I donā€™t think Iā€™m bad.

Ya,I want to learn Yukki Slack,And Whut?,and White Buddha.I never really like Ladder Escape or Double Iron Whip.

I skipped around a couple of times. I never learned all the tricks here. Iā€™m finding new inspirations for new tricks. The world of yo-yo never ends.