I made a short video showing my favorite way to clean bearings using a contact lens case and Acetone.
I made a short video showing my favorite way to clean bearings using a contact lens case and Acetone.
Instructions unclear how do i take these bearings out of my eyeballs
Do you have a bearing removal tool handy?
Does the acetone eat away at the case?
Nope, the contact lens case is polypropylene which is safe to use with Acetone. Here’s a handy-dandy chemical resistance chart in case you come across a case made from a different plastic, but all the ones I’ve used have been made of PP.
Suggest tweezers to handle, and a pencil or chopstick to spin. Other than that, we clean the same way.
Does aceton work better than lighter fluid?
I prefer it over lighter fluid, it evaporates more quickly and lighter fluid seems to leave a bit more of a residue compared to Acetone but that’s a subjective opinion. Both lighter fluid and Acetone will do a good job.
Lighter fluid does not behave as well with the PP contact lens case though IIRC. I did some testing a while back and I think the lighter fluid caused the plastic to swell slightly which made it hard to unscrew the caps.