Most companies look at community involvement and titles at competition. If you look at any of those big name players, they got sponsored because they kept winning or placing top 3 or they were just a really cool dude who attended contests and met the companies.
Let’s be nice here… The yoyo community for the most part is a mature audience. If you don’t have anything nice to say, you have two options: don’t say it, or find an appropriate way to say it. Lashing out or insulting will get you nowhere. I can understand any form of frustration from forum regulars because this post is seen about every other week since I’ve been on here.
Besides, free strings would be a win in my book. Then again, that also depends on how many strings you get…
Now, to answer the original poster. I haven’t been sponsored ever (let’s face it, we all know I’m not good), but what I’ve come to understand is you have to be a nice person, and be healthily obsessed with yoyoing. Getting sponsored may not even be about competition. If you’re good enough at promoting a product, that can get you a sponsor. If you’re a wealth of knowledge regarding how to design yoyos, you could get sponsored. If you’re a friend of a yoyo company, chances are you’ll get sponsored if you’re decent.
My goals don’t include getting sponsored. I don’t do the right things to get sponsored. It could still happen, but since I don’t compete and don’t make videos and am not exactly a high profile person, there’s little value in me in regards to what a company can get out of offering me a sponsorship. I’m not opposed to the concept of being sponsored, I just personally don’t see it happening for me. I’m also perfectly fine with this.
Now, that aside:
I think we should spend less time worrying about getting sponsored and spend that time and effort into improving, enjoying and sharing this thing called the yoyo. If it’s meant to be, those who are interested will be doing the right things to get that sponsorship.
Well I almost got sponsered… But never heard anything else from company… Pretty much said they were gonna too… Well too bad…life goes on! I got attention by placing well at a contest. That was pretty much it. Its easier to get sponsered if the company owner is friends with you.
It was super easy. I just had to create a new style of play, win BAC 3 times in a row, place Top 5 at Worlds a few times, design a dozen yoyos, travel to more than a dozen countries, teach a few thousand people to yoyo, release two VHS videos and two DVDs, become a National Master, win the Industry Excellence Award, and then quit my job.
Then, YoYoFactory gave me a signature model. TA DA!!