How do you play with you yo yo?

My favorite is 5a because it looks really cool and you have more freedom. :slight_smile:

1a…it just is…

1A man

1A and 5A are two way tie for me.

Happy Throwing! =]

I am making offstring my main style! I think it is so cool! I am pretty good so far even though I got my Aquarius last week. Maybe when I’m really awesomely good I’ll post a video of me doing some offstring!!! ;D By the was 2A is my least favorite but that is my opinion.

My best is 1a but I really like 5a and an’t really do it because I don’t want to get startd in an area there aren’t that many tricks in :frowning:

4a ;D

1a, 4a, and 5a. 1a is mane though. Later.

Keep it spinningâ„¢