Hold it! I'm armed.. With yo-yo's!

A few days ago I practiced outside with my yo-yo’s.
I took a bunch of yo-yo’s outside, but where to keep them?
Then I found a solution : instead of one yo-yo, I hung a second one on my belt!

Actually I can go for up to four, but I don’t have that many holsters. Maybe in the future, I would like to post a new pic, with four or more yo-yo’s.
Good self defense, a yo-yo,. If someone comes too close to you, just give ‘em a nice breakaway throw :laughing:
Actually, I feel safer’ armed ’ with a yo-yo.
How about you guys?


For self-defense I prefer using a metal responsive with a short string - a strong forward pass to the groin or center of a face works best for me.


thanks for the tip :laughing:


People won’t social distance? Set yourself up with a responsive on a 6-foot-long string!

I’ve actually almost clobbered somebody with one when I was waiting off to the side a few months back, somebody was coming up behind me and trying to pass through on my side when they had plenty of room to go around me. Unfortunately, the eyes on the back of my head weren’t working to see them coming…

Actually, please don’t use your yoyo as a weapon :slight_smile:


I’m always afraid that is going to happen, and so am always peering over my shoulder. I probably look like I think someone is following me.


I got sexually assaulted once… So I’m pretty much keeping an eye on everyone coming too close.
But I don’t think anyone would come too close, when I practice with my yo-yo. I’m dangerous with a yo-yo :grinning:


I wish you a safe a trouble-free life!


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
Actually, I feel alot better now .
Ever since it happened, I learned from it, and it made me stronger.
That happened years ago.
I’m unstoppable :slightly_smiling_face: