Hobie Cat (and dumb slack)

The newest PopCast Yo-Yo Vlog is all about slack tricks that move the string around, without moving or interacting with the yo-yo much. I call these dumb slack tricks.

In recording this episode, I remembered hearing about a yo-yo meme called “Hobie Cat”, so I reached out to Tyler Severance for a bit of background on what Hobie Cat was all about. His full answer is in the video above, but here’s the short version:

I really do enjoy these style of tricks and think there is still room for creativity and exploration in them. They are flashy and easy, but it’s nice to have a few nice looking tricks that are easy to nail in your trick catalog.


Working on lambchop, the slack setup is fun!

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That set up is hella fun! Please tag me in a video if you end up posting your version. I’d love to see it.


If it weren’t for the Hobie Cat I wouldn’t be a Yoyo Champion! :joy_cat:

Thanks Doc for the vid and really fun insider of this comical move LOL! <3


Ok here’s my take on lambchop, @DocPop.

Super fun trick! Also how did you come up with the name?


Great job. You nailed it.

I really can’t remember how I landed on that name, other than the part that it has a “chopping” motion to it (the finger swipe part).

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