There we go, renamed it, lol. I can’t edit the actuall video now that its up, but I’ll change the title for you.
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King yo star is mysterious
That trick isn’t mine actually, but my friend’s that he made up a while ago.
Just a few things I forgot to mention in the above reply:
- I know how hard it is to come up with a name of a yoyo trick without it being made up before. Sometimes, if I’m not sure, I just look it up online.
Or I just think of something weird, like “Rabbit Slack”.
- Great trick, will have to learn it.
- The part where you drop everything except your NTH Middle Finger, bring the string around, and get into a GT, is very similar to the 5A trick called IBM at one particular part.
- Thank you, I usually do random. I named this one applause initially becuase it contains a trick made by a friend called “The Clap”.
- Thanks, let me know how it works for you.
- interesting, I’ll have to check that out.
I liked the video. Will you make more?
Tricks are sorted by starting mount, or by difficulty. Or you can just click the video and follow through to my youtube channel where I have about 150 tutorials in playlist by difficulty or theme.