Okay, so heres my stupid story. I was happily throwing my hitman. I guess everybody has accidents sometimes, and i accidentally whacked my hitman really hard on the floor. It started wobbling, and i took it back to my hand. I started staring it in a slightly mentally depressed state, because i dented it!!!
It took like a hundred dollars to get to singapore, and I dented it! But that was kinda predictable. After i finally got over it in like an hour, i realized that the yoyo got real noisy. The bearing was screaming like a banshee, and i opened it and saw that my bearing shield was out of place. I tried to stuff it back in, but it didn’t fit bcause the c-clip was missing Then, I looked at it (lol), and saw that the inside of the bearing had no balls WTCOMDBBQKFC!!! O.O
Instead of balls, it had a nut with stubs sticking out of it which could still spin though. Broken in, it spun just about as well as a new dm.
So, I’m just wondering if all yyj’s don’t have balls, but nuts with stubs?