Highest Post Per Day Count

Studio42 Had 10,000 before he left And I have over 3600

this should answer most of your questions

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I don’t get it.

Oh, and I’m already up to 5.680

im so glad im not on any of those lists…

You are not a TRUE forum member then.

then again that also means i have a life… unlike someone else i could mention…

;D I have a life too, it’s called the FORUMS!!!

who says i was talking about you… i was talking about Erik.

my goodness some people are always trying to get attention for something they are not.

What? I have a life

He’s got a life, too. I think it’s you who might not.

Wrong thread but, you’ve been banned for not having a life.

It’s alright, Erik. Don’t let mean-old Jonathan hurt your feelings.

I have a life of yoyoing and the forums and Church and food and warframe and food and pop and CLYW and money and Missions trips (I’m actually going on one this summer) and friends and and…I don’t know what else.


Honestly 5ish posts a day isn’t that much. 30-60 minutes on the forum throughout the day is enough to get that much. Lots of people on here yoyo 2+ hours a day and nobody says they don’t have a life(well… In the yoyo community anyway :smiley: )

A better argument is why aren’t you spending the time on the forums when you could spend more on yoyoing itself ::slight_smile:

I watch youtube videos on one side of my screen and have the yoyo expert forum up, while yoyoing

Ohhh, you must be ambidextrous.

Lol I just get really bored quickly so I keep a bunch of tabs open. I have way too much free time :-\

Same here