Hey yoyokid8!

Look at this from true throw!

I saw that, it’s old news but that was CRAZY good. Kids better than me lol

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Saw that when it got posted, figured he already knew haha. But that’s a serious achievement. The execs at True Throw are hard to please! :wink:

I saw that, wasnt sure if it was someone on the forum XD
Getting something on that blog is more noteworthy than yoyoskills and yoyonews it seems


Very true.

Legyoyo was on there too! But not in a good way…

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“lol who dis”

yeah… I read that, too.


O. Oh yeah

Its mean, but I did legit laugh out loud when I first read that > . <

I honestly think Haru is an executive

I honestly hope you’re joking. He isn’t one to go around trashing the yoyo community and companies.

The nameless executive (#4) is quite nice and truthful

While I do agree with some of the stuff they talk about, its not really my kind of thing to do.
Plus I hate using tumblr > . <, used to have one but couldnt get into it.

Yeah, I agree with a lot of the stuff they say, some if it is kind of true but some of it is just useless and unnecessary controversy.

Haha thanks guys! And yeah, I did already see that post. :stuck_out_tongue:

You should be happy that’s the first positive thing I’ve heard out of that blog :wink:

i laugh everytime you bark. LOL…