I have a question.
So I was going to put a photo that is on my PC onto my profile information.
How can I do that?
I tried doing the photo,
and it said that my photo was either to big or not an avatar.
Well I clicked “I will upload my own picture”
but it made the Personalized picture red.
April 19, 2012, 8:14pm
You’ll need to resize it to fit within the parameters.
That could mean a combination of cropping and shrinking.
I do this with Photoshop. Even an LE edition of Photoshop can handle this. I don’t use Microsoft Paint and other stuff like that, so I can’t comment on what is required to do these things.
Unlimited space to host images, easy to use image uploader, albums, photo hosting, sharing, dynamic image resizing on web and mobile.
though i don’t really like their site, due to all the ads - it does the job.
make an account there. options to upload pic(s) ‘avatar’ size are readily available.
i need to make a tutorial…for b/s/t as well. i’ll have that up later
p.s. or you could do what i do, and just host your own pics. apache2 web server on debian squeeze - say whu whut!?!?!
April 19, 2012, 8:52pm
Yeah you got to resize it first it’s got to be around 120X120 Pixels.
If you PM me the picture location I’ll crop/scale it for you.
I found one.
Worked for me,
and no need to make an account.