Help with strings

Hello. I would like some help in order to decide which strings I will try next. I have tried stock string from the you know who competitor of the, Sochi XL and kitty fat. I am planning to order around 230 strings this time.

I am thinking of buying 100 phoenix string, 100 p44 fat strings and 20-30 alphaline highlighter.

My question is, is one of those three brands “way better” than the other two? Also, what about durability? I read in the Sochi site that phoenix utilizes pro string material that seems nice, given that the regular Sochi pro string (with the same more durable material) is between fat and XL which I think I will not like since anything fatter than fat will not suit me I think.

The quantity I will order will be the same but maybe instead of 30 alphaline, I get 30 p44 depending on the answers I get.

P.s : I have already read cake’s string reviews thread.

Thanks for your help.


I’ll be real with you string preference is very personal and subjective. What you like I might not like what cake likes I might not like. With that said p44 has a quality product and when it’s on sale it’s worth give it a try.


hello! i don’t think any of the brands are WAY better as you put it, but if you have used sochi before and like the thickness and expect the same for phoenix strings, i’d go with what is familiar to you. it’s important to know that p44 is shipped from the philippines, so i believe shipping takes a bit longer than usual. also, alphaline isn’t the most durable string, but it’s incredibly good for the first hour, so if durability is a priority, i wouldn’t go for alphaline

also thanks for reading the reviews, it’s always nice to see how i help others :heart_hands:


To answer your question, those strings should all be somewhat comparable to each other.

With that said though, if you think Sochi XL may be too thick I’d suggest getting P44 normal instead of P44 fat since P44 string runs very thick. P44 fat is prob comparable to Sochi XL if not even a bit thicker, and P44 XL is the thickest bulk string on the market. P44 normal should be comparable to Sochi Fat


Thanks a lot. As a matter of fact I did not find Sochi XL bad. It was my first non regular string in combination with a yyf shortcut which has a more or less standard gap width. I just do not find it necessary to have such a fat string. Do not think I need anything fatter than fat to bind properly.

The difference between standard normal stock string and sochi XL was mind blowing at the time.

Keep your eyes peeled this Black Friday coz its a big one :flushed:


I was actually thinking of starting my own string thread just to document and have a reference for all the string I’ve tried so far…. Not sure if I will or not. But spoiler alert if I do. If all the strings I’ve tried speaking on bulk string only, c3 pro string fat, and Slackies are far ahead of everything else, take that with a pile of salt because as @Captrogers noted what I like might not be what u like. But I feel the urge to recommend those because you can get them in packs of 50 for $12 and they truly are amazing bulk strings. For the record I just ordered my first batch of p44. I got the poly-on blend and the rayon-poly blend and can’t wait to try them. But regardless once my Slackies n c3 run low I will no doubt restock on both. I’ve came to the conclusion that’s those will be my two bulk choices I’d like to always have on hand. I’m hoping p44 will join those two.