Help needed - Andrew Bergen META Red Triangle Slack Combo

I’ve been stuck with this one for quite some time:

At around the 6-minute mark, there is a suicide to be landed, and I’ve got no idea how to make it open up like this. I can see some kind of loop in the tangled flying string, but it’s much smaller.

Plz send help.

Make sure you’re separating the main string segment from the red triangle in your throw hand before you throw it around to catch the suicide. See how he’s grabbing that main string segment with his free throw hand fingers. Also try to go slower when you throw it around and that should help it open up more.

I’m currently learning this one too!
I’m also really struggling with the first suicide, but I’ve been lucky enough to land it all the way through twice after working on it almost all day yesterday lol

Thanks for the advice! I thought I was doing that, but I will try few (hundred) more times and if still doesn’t work I will record a video for some serious analysis.


At 2:45 I try explaining it, hopefully this camera angle or so can help