Help my responsive isn’t responding

Sorry if this is a dumb/n00b question, but lately some of my responsive yo-yos have become unresponsive, or close thereof. It happened to my stoopid and now to my harbinger, I have a video to show if that helps, but it won’t let me attach it…

Why did this start happening? Is it a string issue? Do I need to lube? Skill issue?


What bearings do you have? Probably just needs some thick lube

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Happened to both harbingers mr85 and stoopids narrow C. How often are you supposed to lube responsives? I just got these brand new a week ago.

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I’m honestly not sure how much you should lube a responsive with a bearing, my only responsive is a Duncan Neo, I made my luftverk plastic fulvia responsive with some thick gun oil and it was perfectly responsive for about a week then I cleaned the bearing to make it unresponsive again, I would say lube it whenever it starts to feel like it’s getting unresponsive. Or you could get bearing blanks to put in them which would make them fixed axles

But yeah just sounds like a lubrication issue to me. I would say maybe get some new or thicker response pads but yours should be fine as you haven’t had them for very long

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With responsive you just don’t want to saturate the pads otherwise mo limit really grease lasts much longer than lube though

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Yeah I don’t have a whole lot of experience with responsive throws

You could try desheilding the bearings and using grease. You can find danco silicon grease at most hardware stores in the US.

Grease will lower spin times a bit but last much longer and feel a bit smoother.

Thick lube works great too. Thin lube you got to drown the bearing pretty often.

You could also use a thicker and softer string for more response

Your string will wear out over time and thin this can result in a simi responsive behavior or inconsistent play


Thanks for the response, I’ll try these out.
I originally had a thicker string on it (ammo) but I switched back to the one it came with cause I found it didn’t catch when doing looping tricks.


If you are still having problems with the bearing, dm me and I can send a replacement bearing out to you.


I want a replacement beating…I haven’t been bruised up in a long time…:rofl:


Wow, what a typo I’ve created


You’re just exploring a new type of audience here in case you need to do a swift career change.

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