Help me find a tutorial


Please, help me find a tutorial for a trick I’ve forgotten.

I think it was from Diego, but not 100%

The trick starts in a trapeze around the index finger and thumb. A slack loop is created using the index finger and thumb and the loop transferred completely under the yoyo. The yoyo is rolled into the string closest to the non throw hand leaving a wrist mount type configuration, which is then opened up in a “bucket”. The yoyo is popped out of the bucket onto the front most string. From here the mount is rotated clockwise (sort of diagonal towards and then away from you) whilst ensuring the string doesn’t reject. Finally the left most side is unmounted from the throw and the slack rotated around the mount, finally leaving a position where the yoyo can again be rolled into the non throw hand side string to end up in a wrist mount.

Any ideas? maybe?

Nope, unfortunately not.

Nice trick though.