Having trouble getting a response from YYE customer support

I had received a package recently from yoyo expert recently and had reached out to inquire about something i wanted more information about , and 4 days later i haven’t heard back via customer support forms . This isn’t a complaint or even a big deal, i would just like to know who i can speak with that may have answers to my questions.



Hmm. You emailed Contact@YoYoExpert.com and didn’t get a response?


I looked for an email under your forum email and do not see anything… could you possibly forward it again? Want to make sure it comes through. We usually reply next day at latest minus Sundays, etc.


Hey andre ! It was through the customer support portal on the YYE website ! Should i send a message straight through email?

Thanks :slight_smile:


That would be great! In the meantime, I’ll try and see if there’s something going on there. Sorry about that if there was. We just definitely didn’t get the message!


I wonder if that is what happened to an email I sent last Friday

Ugh. Yes. Probably. Please resend.

What’s weird is the form is working right now when we test it but we definitely didn’t get contact for emails for like a week or two possibly! :man_facepalming:

Ok will do thx for letting me know