Happy Thanksgiving Story - CONTEST #1

then he took over the world on thanksgiving by turning all turkeys into yoyos by using CAK’s( Chico anything kit)…

so the dragon ate all the yo-yo’s and became constipated and went to the doctor to get an enema and all the yo-yo’s came flying out at the doctor and killed him…

but then the doctor fell and grind transfered the dragon into a wormhole…

when all of a sudden batman came out and started yoyoing to this song…

He was singing, it went… Nananananananana- ME. When all of a sudden…

Friday by Rebecca Black came on.

(AAAAA Too many people are posting too fast.)

Tony realized that it wasn’t Friday but Saturday…

so he ate a turkey sandwich…

And that evidently the psychosis induced by exposure to tofurkey molecules…

Turned him red and black…

whit gold splash swirl by brett

just when yoyo tony thought it couldnt get any worse… his bearing broke, and he didnt have any tools to get it off his yoyo

Then Tony decided he needed a break from everything, so he walked the dog around the world & then looped himself into a green triangle with his Dark Magic skills when all of a sudden…

well my dad once was cutting the turkey then dropped the knife on the floor and when he bent down do get it his pants ripped and i thought i might as well give him a wedgie so i did and his underwear ripped right off and then he got so mad but he just kept on cutting the turkey and then i get my piece of turkey and its bloody red and really pink soooo i said no thanks and left

And then took a walk with his dog to MA, found A-Z, and bought a…

Hippo, a really big hippo and everyone had a very puzzled look on their faces…

that depicted him as a god. Now, Tony realized, he was a god everywhere.

However, little did he know that there was…

a Snooki running around, wanting something. He then needed to take a break and visit YoYoExpert.com to check the forums and possibly get some new throws. When he saw this crazy Thanksgiving story he…

quickly read through the previous posts and…