Hey guys,
So I just opened my wallet and noticed that the $160 I had is now $80. This was to pay the bills due this week. I do not know how this happened other than it’s obvious someone who was in our home within the past 48 hrs helped themselves to my cash. Im literally sick to my stomach over this, I’m just a butcher and we live week to week. Since I need to make that $80 back by Friday, I’m praying you guys will buy my throws and strings and maybe through the grace of the Lord above, I can recoup these lost funds.
I’ll get back into throwing maybe not too far down the road. 0221191611|690x387
What throws are there?
Shutter, CLYW Avalanche, N12, DV888, and a Whip
Post it to the BST and you might have some takers
Going to try to get you hooked up
Wait. Your selling ALL your YoYos and string and stopping yoyo indefinitely due to this thievery?
Until I can save up enough to get back in the game. Ive got a wife and 2 young children, we live week to week so… Yeah man.
Can we start a YYE forum go fund me or something so this guy doesn’t have to seep all his YoYos to keep a roof over his family’s head? I’m in for 10$ do we have 7 others?
I already pm’d, but I’d be down for @TheThrowingGnome ‘s idea too.
I got you on the rest brother.
Sounds like you got a couple folks chipping in, so lmk what’s left and I can lend it to you till you get paid
You are all set now.
Hey guys thanks for all the support, but I am all set. Y’all dont know how much this helped me. To those I owe items to, they will be shipped nlt tomorrow.
@vegabomb, you may close this thread please sir, I’ve recouped my earlier losses.