does anybody have a tut for gyrolutions.
i was wondering the same thing
If you dont know revolutions dont bother. If you do its fairly easy to get in your head and how to do buts its hard to actually land it. All you do is do a gyro flop and when the yoyo is sideways pinch the string and start doing a revolution but this time it’ll be over your hand then under, rather then side to side, after your done grap the string and do gyro flop again until you yoyo is straight.
I tried this 5 min ago and it didn’t go so well…went around once, and hit my head…lol
it takes a while but if you practice then tou’ll get it. and its compleatly different then revolutions because gravity is acting against the spin of the yoyo and it just doesnt feel like the same motion.
so do you have to swing the yoyo faster to do it
Search and search Search and search Search and search Search and search Search and search Search and search Search and search Search and search Search and search Search and search.
Nice video…makes me think,“eaiser said than done”…This trick takes pratice