Great Idea!

I don’t think you can really have a tournament, since you only have 3 people who can participate, right now…Maybe if you get a lot more people, like 10+ in all.

Okay, don’t laugh at me but, I’m a level 5 or 6 but, i’ve been yo-yoing about 2 weeks. Is that good?


Hey Samad, I’m 9.7 yoyoing level and I have a camera. If you want to challenge me, then you and I will post a video here in YYE forum from YouTube or Vimeo. YYE users is the judge, so you and I will show them your yoyo tricks and mine, and they will reply to vote who will win!

Do we have a deal for this challenge?

Happy Throwing! =]

I figure id ask André and see what he says. if we get the green light than ill out up a post for it and in list every one. later and keep it spinning.

Um…I was gonna battle Robert, but for the time being, I guess if roberts okay with it, I can make one video against him, and one against you.

Wow, I’m gonna get owned by 2 people, it will be a bad day :cry:


Umm, I have an old camera hat i could use but i think anyone can beat me, I’m like 6 maybe 7 in scale and yoyoing for like a month, so i don’t learn very fast but i would participate!! ;D

You guys want to go in the chat so we can talk about it in more detail?