Hey guys, GraydenYoyos here!
I am a youngster hoping to make a nice, small yoyo company :). This company will have a name and will
not just be “GraydenYoyos” I am creating this company that will create high quality bags and holders.
Hopefully if we get enough profit we could create yo-yos! Our first design will be called “The Daily Throw”
this bag will be holding 3 yo-yos. These can be your ones to cary on a daily basis! I have spent weeks
perfecting this design. On this case there is even an additional neck strap to make this
even more portable. This design has done us well. Throughout the year we will be making more and more
designs. I will love to hear some input on this! I will be getting the materials and will not have a price just
yet. If anyone is an artist PM me too! Prototypes will start when I get the money.
A little bit about me 
Name: Grayden
Date started yo-yoing : Mid 2014, got more serious late 2014.
Location: Canada.
Age: 13
A fun fact: My collection has 13 yo-yos, I also have a cabin in the US.
Thanks guys!
Post any comments, questions and input in the comments section or pm me!
Design is down, we will have the prototypes of the bag by the end of this week, possibly today! Thanks for your interest 
Good luck on starting a buisness grayden
1 Like
Thanks, you too Yoyo newbe! Thank you, that was a very nice comment.
What material are you using for this? I don’t know if it’s my style but a yoyo fanny pack seems like something the community might be into.
it’s going to be a type of fabric, not sure what type. But definently will be cool!
im interested since my yoyoexpert sling bag deteriorated… :-[
I want to see pics of this thing.
Pics? Sounds amazing if done well!
I’d like to see one of these. Any pics?
I thought pics were coming in a couple weeks?
I just had to delay it because of spring break and a science project I had to do. So, they are coming.
If these are still coming, I would definitely check them out, and if I like them, I may just have to pick one up. They do sound pretty great
I am thinking about it. School has caught up and I’m under some stress. Im trying to find a time.
PM me if you get around to it