I’ll start by saying everything here has been played with so nothing is in mint condition. If there’s something you’d like more detailed images of let me know and I’ll be happy to message them to you. Everything does play extremely well, most have very minor marks, a few a little heavier.https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t1.0-9/10411887_10203628755974862_6809302299723762280_n.jpg
First row: h5Xchief, h5Xchief, level 6, ta-1, duncan crew mayhem
second row: puffin 1, arctic circle 1, echo 2, bape 2
third row: cascade, delrin severe, delrin octave 3(not sure of actual name), 2013 superstar, 401k
as far as trades going i’m really looking for maxbets, but i’m open to offers. money works too, message me if you want to negotiate prices.
gracias amigos