Dave, I didn’t think I’d ever tell you this. But since she decided to fade out on us with your swan song, I guess you gotta face to music.
You and I go back decades. As I’ve gotten older, my memory is not what it used to be. But that being said, I remember very clearly that I never liked you.
I never liked your site. I never liked your yo-yos. I never liked your forum. And I never like you.
You were never happy. You were never friendly.
So all these years later, you come onto the forum with your violin to play your Swan song. Honestly, a seriously feeble attempt that shows how thin skinned and weak you really are.
I fully understand how you have a latent fear Of technology and modern devices. I should’ve known it the day I saw you trying to open a can of tuna with a soup spoon.
Only about three people even know who you are now. I know that doesn’t sound too dramatic considering that only 10 people liked you in the first place.
It’s a good plan on your part to go hide in the mountains. Maybe you can make some friends out there? I saw some friendly bears on a toilet paper commercial. Between commercials, they might hang around out there in the sticks.
NOTICE >>> all the text above this line is completely untrue. I’ve always wanted to throw a shovel at somebody when they come onto the forum to say they’re leaving for good. But the honest truth is that Dave Hall and I do go back decades. And Dave’s efforts were instrumental in helping push the yo-yo envelope. He was on top of the yo-yo game and provided a multifaceted site. That was not only extremely popular but just very entertaining in general.
In the yo-yo world, I am not saying that Dave Hall created the future. But what I will say is where it is today would definitely be different without his participation in a yo-yo game as it broke through nationwide to so many people right when his assistance was needed.
Of course he created a business out of yo-yo‘s and related items. But it was more than that.
Dave was always one of those guys that knew you were either part of the problem or part of the solution. He gave himself a good number of headaches over the years. He was most active with his site. But it wasn’t just that keeping the site organized and his store functional. It was because he always tried to do more. He always tried to help others. And it wasn’t just so you’d buy a yo-yo. He stepped into the hobby, leaning forward with both feet in the mix. There were a lot of occasions when the guy didn’t even hardly get any sleep. A perfectionist at nature, he kept a constant awareness on the present, but was always aware that things would eventually fade because Of the known seven years cycle of yo-yo popularity
He did what he could to try to interrupt the continuity of that seven year cycle. Dave new that if he kept hitting his head against the wall, but moving forward, that the yo-yo hobby might become ingrained enough in some of us that we could help carry it on Into the future. Dave wasn’t necessarily a visionary. But he was a realist and still is.
Personally, I’ve never seen Dave Halls yo-yo collection. But I wouldn’t even call it a collection. I would call it a vast representation of yo-yo history.
When you have a box of yo-yos or a case of yo-yos, that’s a collection.
When you buy a second house like I did, tell your wife, you’re dedicating an entire room to the yo-yo’s that you have, like I do. Then we’re getting to semi crazy collection status.
When you can basically fill a building with yo-yos, then we’re talking about Dave Hall. Let me tell you guys that, that ain’t no collection that’s a yo-yo galaxy.
Regardless, the bottom line is, Dave Hall made a lot of A lot of friends over the years. He helped a lot of people over the years. And I don’t think he’s done yet. It’s just common sense and logical that sometimes when people are immersed in something for any length of time, they will generate a certain degree of burnout for one reason or another. The conclusion that people will draw can be as varied as the number of people that bothered to draw conclusions.
But Dave knows why he’s stepping out. He’s not as old as I am, but you realize as you get older, you just need to do things that not necessarily make you happy but don’t make you unhappy. You no longer need to subject yourself deliberately to opening up a can of worms and create ill feelings When you can just go Fishing or camping or paddling a canoe up the river or climbing up a mountain and breathing fresh air and being happy.
Dave will be back. I know many of you newer forum members may know little if anything about Dave Hall without doing some personal research to discover what he was about?
But to a good number of the older school, yo-yo people, Dave Hall was very well known and well liked. He made a few detractors along the way, but that is what happens when you speak up against the flow, now and then.
Once the real estate prices go back up and I sell my 3rd house, I may just hunt down Dave and Ca$h him out, lol. Yuh neva no🤓