can you tell me what is better acording to my preferences?? ???
preferences are:
shape: rounded os H shape
weight: any one, i dont have any preferences about weight.
size: small or medium
stock or mod: stock
response: silicone
color: any one except pink or purple
tricks: string tricks, not so slow little slow tricks
price: from $40 to $70
skill level: im advanced
[move][move][move][move][move][move][move]can you see this??[/move][/move][/move][/move][/move][/move][/move]
Genesis is large and a very distinct H-shape, Boss is somewhat h-shape and small, so Boss, although both are out of your price range. May I suggest a B-Grade 888 or Skyline?
You buy them the same as regular ones. They just happen to have slight flaws from the manufacturer which make them B-grades (as compared to A-grades) and cheaper.