Generalyo Throwers! Sam Lopez, James Reed aka me, Crew Harper aka yoyokiller

Me, Sam Lopez, Crew Harper

Most of this was filmed at last weeks DXL!

Please comment and rate! Check out some of my other vids too!

I used my Hatrick, Sam Lopez used his 5 Star, and Crew Harper used his Hatrick.

Tripods are your friends.
otherwise cool vid. :smiley:


Nice. are you sponsered by general yo?

I wish but naw, me and Ernie are just kinda buds. I met him at the DXL contest and he sold me my first metal… the DXL 5 Star. It has been my favorite metal, and still is! Untill the Hatrick came out… :smiley:

great job on the video, too bad it started raining before it was my turn.

Thanks yoyolvr!

p.s. People, can you PLEASE rate my vid because someone rated my vid 1 star, agian, just like my last video. And I have a pretty good idea who it is. But I am not gonna point fingers. It will only take a second of your life. So please, rate my vid. It encorages me to make more videos. Thanks! Merry Christmas! :slight_smile:

I know you think it was me, and no, I didn’t rate either of your videos.

I didn’t think it was you.