General Yoyo Thoughts

So reporting back, to me the Panorama with flat caps actually does play very surprisingly close to a YWET, definitely recommend giving it a shot if you have one and a pair of flat caps.

I really like @edhaponik’s take on it, below are the blog posts they linked so you don’t have to click through:

That’s also part of it, hardcoat anodizing (Type-III anodizing) grows on the aluminum thicker (which gives it its resiliency) than Type-II (“regular”, the stuff we know and love) so it’s more likely to introduce vibe. It’s also a different process and not all shops are set up to do it since it requires keeping the parts at a cooler temperature and is just generally a more expensive process. I reached out to Gruntbull to see if they could do it, they said they could but that they wouldn’t bother unless the order was for a thousand dollars or more because it just wasn’t worth their time and effort. This site has a good overview of the differences

(also if you ever decide you want to get rid of your hardcoat YWET @Upmanyu hit me up and i’ll make it worth your while :wink: )