
I recently had the opportunity to purchase a yoyo from a good friend of mine.
Joey Serrano (Yomagic) designed and produced his own yoyo in 2013. He later had the opportunity to full push this yoyo design into full swing in hopes to get this yoyo out into the hands of community members. What yoyo did he produce? Its simple, elegant, and killer during play. This is, Gambit.

Gambit is the best small company yoyo I have ever used.
Brought to you by 2sickyoyos, the Gambit is available for purchase!
Since it isn’t sold through the YYE store I cannot link you to their website for purchases, but if you’re looking to purchase please message “Yomagic” here on the forums, or go to this Facebook page to place an order :smiley:

I hope you enjoy the video of me using my Gambit, and I really hope you have the opportunity to purchase one as well!

nice one, whats the name of last trick?

The gambit is truely amazing! I love mine. What color do you have, Andrew?

It’s awesome. The Colourway is called SuperCharged (Blue w/light blue acid wash and yellow splash)

It does not have a name…just a combo I threw together.

Cool, I have a Mystic Marsh.

any chance for a video with elements up from 1:02?

It’s really close to this trick here. I don’t have time for tutorials anymore really; too busy with college and working on the side.

Bump 1.

Bump 2

Bump 3

Great video! I have a Gambit, too, and it’s one of the best purchases I’ve made in a long time. Once you deal with the well-documented grabby response (as easy as popping in a KK) it’s a real pleasure to play.

You’ve got that right! Those pads are very grippy, but that’s always a nice thing once you pop a KK in!

great video Andrew!
keep it up!

Bump 4.

Bump 5.

Bump 6.