G2 YoYos News - Shamrock Punchline Encore

Why not both?

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I think a new design, with side effects. Maybe after that bring an old design back out
with side effects.

old dog

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How about a unique shaped delrin? All the delrins I recall tend to be very organic/standard shaped.


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This is in the future plans once our Delrin guy is wanting to tackle the challenge. Shape hasn’t been discussed yet though.

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Release some raw yoyos. You don’t see that often.

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There is reason for that. The bearing and raw yoyos don’t work well together over time, if the bearing seat is large enough.

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Something acrylic maybe? Not many people do that

a delrin with a really dramatic shape would also be cool.

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Side effects are cool and all but they dont feel like g squared to me. I would like to see something more mid range in price however. Maybe even a budget metal, that would be sweet.

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a budget metal that IS NOTsuper undersized

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All three, albatross SE Nessie SE new throw SE

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It seems everyone wants side effects!

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No I dont want side effects!!! >:( :-\


me neither! Side effects are One Drops thing and even though they manufacture g2 yoyos it still feels weird. also i love the nubs g2 has come op with so far. very original and creative.

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I think side effects are a smart way to go given that G2 has already made 2 awesome standard throws. I know it’s been a plus for me when considering a throw, and it gives G2 some extra options to explore. Even if you aren’t interested in changin SE’s, there really aren’t any downsides to it. SE throws are dead smooth and work great right out of the box.

I also really like the idea of doing a more budget minded throw that’s closer to full size. That is a really under-saturated market. While I do think it’s true that a higher price tag does seem to appeal to many people, and maintains brand identity for a “higher end” brand, if the yoyo is interesting it’s a niche that’s perfect for a smaller company. Very little true competition.

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What do you want us to sacrifice in order to try and achieve a full size budget yoyo?

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Honestly get rid of Blasting and do a shiny Ano to cut back costs and ship with a standard bearing, simple packaging, and any other small things to keep the prices down.

I would definitely want to see something budget friendly, Competitive shape, Fullsized (or close to it), shiny solid colored ano, heavy rim weight, etc.

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While these things can add up those doesn’t make enough of a difference in the long run toward making a cheaper yoyo.

The only way to get a “budget” yoyo (~70-80$) is to sell them at cost, or if you are an US based company is to have them made in china.

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So having an unblasted, simple anodize, and standard bearings don’t decrease the value much? Then why does it cost so much more for splashed and blasted yoyos?

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Anodizing is more expensive than the blasting.

So if we didn’t blast our solid yoyos you wouldn’t seem much of a cost difference at all. Other companies usually keep their blasted and unblasted yoyos the same

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maybe a simpler design? Most budget stuff seems to have a simpler design than their other throws. Is solid color ano cheaper? Might want to do that. Dont know too many other costs that you could cut down on though except for outsourcing, which you dont seem too fond of

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