G Squared Tutorials - Smooth Operator added!

I say both.
they’re both super helpful!

Asian Pops

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can we haz more of the more complex kind? i really like Your style, especially in albatross promo video.

(i really like that trick at ~0:51, if You could make a tutorial for that one that would be awesome!)

I’ll work on it. I’ve got a batch filmed and will film that next time I film. Name suggestions?

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Bird Dogging?

i’d like just about anything original tricks, do your own favorites!

you see, this is the kind of advertising a yoyo company really benefits from, it shows that you care! i’m really starting to wish i had the moniez to buy a albatross, just to show my support :smiley:

Yeah I’m working in a lot of my originals along with the well known tricks that I know a lot of people struggle with.

Island Hopping

That is an original for you guys.

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You’ve been busy recently. Great stuff, by the way. I suck too hard for most of this, but at least I can keep trying! And I do. Eventually, I will be able to do these!

Yeah it takes a long time to do these but I like giving back to the community. Keep plucking away. I am working on getting some more basic tricks filmed and uploaded

Loving the tutorials. Especially the ones for less common tricks like this week’s. Keep it up, man!


Thanks! I hope this is a less common trick. I think I just made it up last week.


that last hop, man…

that last hop…

anyhow, your videos are good and you should feel good about yourself!


Slack Sticks

Hidemasa Hook

Thank u so much for this thread these are awesome!

You are very welcome! Hope I’m helping

Brent Stole

Not sure why I always call it Brent Stall lol