FYYL Contest Problem

Okay everybody, I have ended up with a problem. I am only allowed two contests at a time during the Fantasy Yoyo League. I have threes scheduled for April 26. They are the SouthEastern Regionals, Massachusetts States, and Utah States. I would like everyone, even if not in the FYYL, to vote to determine which two contests there will be. YOU MUST REPLY BELOW WITH YOUR VOTES!


  1. FYYL contestants picks only (which is the reason you all need to reply below with your picks)
  2. The biggest two contests will be picked: SouthEast Regionals and Massachusetts States.

Please help me out, and reply below.

  1. I think we have an obvious winner
  2. Why is nobody replying?

Or should i say Winners.

Mass and ser. Question: How come there are an odd number of votes?

Somebody may have only voted once?

Why should we comment. The poll says enough.

MA States and SER. Never new Utah states existed :-\


MA states

SER and MA States. Utah states is probably one of the smallest contest in the country.

MA states