FT/S: ILYY, YYJ, YYF, 3YO3, Duncan and More: Prices and Pics inside

So i got a few yoyos that i want to sell mainly because i feel like i have too many. i will ship via first class and will have the yoyo out within 2 days of payment sent. most likely the day after. im kinda negotiable on prices, but PM and we can work something out. I’m mainly looking to sell, but i have a few trade wants. I accept payment VIA Paypal and Money order. I ONLY SHIP WITHIN US So lets go ahead and get this rolling.

Stargazer V1
Milk or Milk 2%
No Jive or any TK wood
Offer the worst i can say is no

ILYY Rocket- this a production run silver candyblasted rocket. it plays super smooth like an ILYY should. the best grinder ive ever played. it is very near mint, the only damage are these 2 small marks on the face of the yoyo. i couldnt capture on camera, they could be considered pricks i guess. the rocket is just too small for my taste: looking for $100 shipped

3YO3 Acryllion- this is another great yoyo. It’s the clear version. It is very near mint but has a very small mark on the body. it plays very uniquely and looks stunning in the light. it has a very slight vibe to the finger but feels smooth on the string and grinds: looking for $55 shippedhttp://i47.tinypic.com/1z5ls29.jpg

YYF Blue Protostar- this thing is a real beast. Protostar is the hands down best plastic out in the market. it plays pretty smooth and has a few small scuffs. i kinda dont want to get rid of it, so it wont go lower then wat im asking: looking for $35 shipped

YYJ Aquarius- so now we have a lovely aquarius. Pretty good 4a throw but i dont need it anymore. it has marks of course from 4a but it plays like a champ. not much to say about her:Looking for $17 shipped

YYJ SFHG- cool yoyo again not much to say. i have it set up responsive. has some cracks on one nipple and some damage on rims, but dont affect play. looking for $15 shipped

Duncan Viking FHZ- This is a pretty rare and beautiful bionic viking FHZ. This was modded by cyclontzy with a dual sili recess and schmoove rings. it is as mint as can be. such a cool yoyo not to mention pretty rare and sought after: Looking for $60 shipped

Ricerocket DV8- it is a cool yoyo. i have it pretty smooth with a small vibe that can be tuned out. it is a beautiful marble blue and awesome looking. has a few scuffs on the rims. Looking for $40 shipped

I have a Legacy … with a KonKave Bearing… for your Protostar … its white … and in real good condition … couple of scuffs here n there … nothing noticeable… the seller is the konkave bearing … i took out the response pad … so that its very unresponsive … and took the shells out of the bearing… but it still binds back perfectly … let me know :slight_smile:

PM’d about aquarius

Dark Blue Dark magic for protostar or DV888

ill buy aquarius send me a pm

This is an old thread, PM the guy to see if he still has it instead of posting on an old thread please.

~James Reed!