Cleaning out some of my collection for others to enjoy. Feel free to offer trades or cash! I’m looking for C3Yoyodesign Vapormotion, Turning Point Palpitation, or anything you have to trade.
2012 YYF Supernova signed by Tyler Severance- has dings and vibes a little $50-75
YYR Dread G- very small pinprick plays dead smooth- $50
Iyoyo Hidra- Mint plays dead smooth- $45
YYF Slusny Supernova- very small pinprick dead smooth $75
YYF CZM8 WYYC 2015 Tokyo- dings and vibes a little $30
TP Saint Elmo- Mint plays dead smooth $55
YYR Diffusion- Mint plays smooth- $30