Taking offers on my collection, need some money for unexpectes expenses. Shipping within the US only at this time.
Row 1:
Yotricks Civility - Half red half black - SOLD
C3 Dymension
Random offstring yoyo
Random cheap plastic
Random wooden yoyo
YYO Rave
Row 2:
C3 M.O.V.E.
YYF Cyborg
Sengoku Bakemono
SPYY Punchline - SOLD
Row 3:
CLYW Yeti 2
YYF Shutter - Alien Galaxy
G2 Casefile 002
ILYY Noctu - 1 of 20 Pearl Finish
Row 4:
Random metal yoyo
Werrd Minute
Werrd Hour
ILYY Enigma
Rollout R1
YYF Popstar - SOLD
Not pictured here, but can get photos:
YYE Rainfly
Werrd 86400