I am taking offers on the yoyos pictured below. I have recently gotten into playing guitar and I am trying to get funds to purchase a couple things I need, so I am trying to sell a few to build up the funds. Feel free to message with offers or if you want more pictures.
Shipping $5.00 in US only. Paypal/CashApp.
Row 1:
YYF Popstar
R1 Rollout raw
ILYY Enigma
Werrd Hour
Werrd Minute
Werrd 86400 (not pictured, can get photos if needed)
Cheap amazon yoyo, cant remember the name
Row 2:
YYF Space cowboy - SOLD
ILYY Noctu - Pearl, 1 of 20
YYF Shutter - galaxy
CLYW Yeti 2
C3yo Electric Flash - SOLD
Row 3:
YYF Northstar - SOLD
SPYY Punchline
Sengoku Bakemono
YYF Cyborg
G2 Casefile 002
C3yo M.O.V.E.
Row 4:
YYO Rave
Random wood yoyo
Random plastic yoyo
Random off string yoyo
C3yo Dymension
YoTricks Civility - original run, red/black half swap